
The Renegade’s rated at 22 MPG in the city and 31 MPG on the highway. In 10 days of mixed driving, I averaged about 24 MPG. Not too bad overall.

They’ve done plenty of live shows like this in the past. It worked out well. I see this merely as a stepping stone to getting them on netflix.

The BBC is a large part of why TG was staring to become shittier & shittier. Now they would be free of that! It could be like OLD TG.

Hopefully, a tighter budget (maybe?) and more freedom of Netflix will end up with a more interesting show. Who knows? I’m just pretty sure I’ll watch it.

Torch met Kanye. It’s like Elvis meeting Godzilla. That shit don’t happen every day.


God, shut the fuck up.

Fuck you. Immigrants, legal and not, keep this state running and put in way more than they take. Why don’t you read something that isn't racist propaganda.

Just a quick note: In California we call them “undocumented immigrants.” They’ve actually helped build our economy to one of the biggest in the world. Some other colloquialisms you might not be used to: “Cement Pond” is called a “swimming pool” or just “pool” for short. We typically refer to “Barrack Hussein Obama”

Californian here, don’t care. Keep your stinking pile of shit out of my state, you dirty scum.

Redundant as it may be I’m glad to see it. Coal rollers are the scum of the earth. I saw my first one in person yesterday. It took me a minute to process what I was seeing. As soon as I figured it out my only wish was that my hands were bigger so I could flip him off more vigorously.

I had a roommate in college that only ate little kid food- spaghetti os, chicken tenders, French fries, ect. She was beautiful, very into running and physically fit. She literally got scurvy from not eating any fruit and vegetables. Literally scurvy- like a pirate. I thought maybe that would be a wake up call and she

I HATE adults who never outgrew that phase. In kids, that kind of pickiness is amusing and sometimes infuriating. In fucking adults it’s just unacceptable and I don’t care if this makes me a bitch but if you’re a grown up with the tastebuds and food sophistication of a 5 year-old, I will lose all respect for you.

Exactly. The reason we never “embraced the diesel passenger car” was *90% the fault of GM.

1. No.