
They should call it what it is. Tahoe Hybrid.

RAF spokesman stated:

Monkey bar dating. Some people are terrified of being single so instead of breaking up with someone they stay until they find a replacement. Most people outgrow this stage sometime during middle school. Less mature, chicken shit individuals never do.

Two of my exes initiated a relationship with me just before they broke up with the guy they were seeing, unbeknownst to me. I only found out about it after we had been dating for some time. Both of those exes ended our relationship by cheating on me. Some people just operate this way it seems and have no qualms about

Are you fucking kidding me? This is the normal speed video???! Okay, so he's guilty of a few poor lane changes and passing on the right. I don't see any flagrant speed or reckless driving present here, dude even stops for (most) red lights. Honestly this seems to be a safer pace then 75% of New York's traffic.

At WOT it sounds quite good. I heard one from a distance, but even far away it sounded really nice. I don't have any context though (i.e. listening to other cars at the same time).

I think the most amazing thing is that it was designed in 1967. It looks almost ten years too early.

You can fill this supercharged range rover's tank for a year for the cost of a ford Fiesta.

Come on, this car will cost more in repairs than its current selling price.

After seeing a Morgan three-wheeler in person for the first time this week... I no longer think of them as "silly" machines, they're real things of beauty!

Fallacy? It did exactly what it was supposed to do. None of the people selling that line of BS believed it. They knew what they were doing. As shown by our last election people will continue to vote against their own interests. Americans consider themselves temporarily embarrassed millionaires, and as such will keep

For many Americans, it still is. Even though the recovery from the recession is in its sixth year, stagnant wages, an economy generating jobs mostly at the bottom and the top rather than in the middle, and vast disparities between the rewards bestowed on the rich and on ordinary workers have left many people

Pagani Huayra. Say no more…..just jizz

You included a Ford Taurus and not the flying Bugatti from Elysium? Did this post come with a plaid shirt and a beard?

Fuck that shit. I'd be terrified, and yeah, call 911 ASAP. I'm sort of surprised the police didn't come, unless they didn't realize how shady this actually looks. IIRC, it's also illegal to block a public road unless it's an emergency.

It fades to grey? Proof?

Disclaimer: The below comment is my own personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect that of my employer.