
Congrats to you (and I don't mean that in an internet sarcastic way). I've been through some ostensibly amazing relationships (one in particular that I'm thinking of) that turn into shit relationships and it's not for me. If I found the right lady, I'd readily give up a bachelormobile for a kid. As a fellow

Fuck its multimillion dollar pricetag. Fuck the old backwards-looking farts who drool over these things. Fuck them and their nostalgia for the years when this not-at-all groundbreaking car won some races.

While this is totally the right answer, the better answer is "don't get married/have kids."

"Bespoke" is a British by-word for "grossly unreliable."

I like GM products, I'm looking at buying an SS within the year, actually. It's the corporate part that I hate. The heads.

ok I'm out, Godwin principle

The amount of money they spent on a company that will likely fail again could have been put to much better use. People seem to forget about education and healthcare, which are kind of essential to life. GM doesn't reciprocate here to an adequate degree.

Also, Japan owns more of our debt than China.

We've dug ourselves deep in this abusive relationship. We should have let GM fail ages ago. Why we reward failure is beyond me.

no, all I meant is that it would be worse if people would defend Russia, given their current state of aggression. Obviously we wouldn't ever bail them out.

ok whatever you say Hannity. Look, if there's money to be had, it'll get grabbed. The liquidation of GM would indubitably give rise to a fragmentation of the giant and who says that American investors wouldn't be given access to these brands? They would be the first ones allowed to.

You pretty much summed it up. That's what we should do. It's a survival of the fittest. Do we bail out small family-owned businesses? Nope. Huge, fucked up, avarice-ridden corporations? Yeah why not? Thanks lobbyists and Supreme Court morons. Way to protect the average Joe/Jose/other minorities' common names that


I finally realize what GM sands for: Gimmie Money.

Or Russia.

See, I was thinking this through and everything, but I'm still pissed. We basically are funding a huge company that 1. Gives 0 fucks about its customer's safety, 2. Cost tax payers a lot of money to do so. Saying that it "only cost 0.5% of the Iraq war" certainly puts into perspective of how the one thing we don't

It really does make me sick just thinking about it. How people are still on GM's side here is beyond my understanding.

Well now I think we should have let them die. That's a fuckton of money. Maybe I'll change my mind after the rage cools down, but for now I'm grabbing my pitchfork.

The M-Gran Coupe XDrive landaulet is scheduled for 2016.

I just ran "Land Wind" through translate, and an alternative translation is "Territory Reamer," which sounds like some kind of bizarre geology-related fetish porno.