
And thank you for your input! I did learn in my research that for epileptic folks that the keto diet is a million times (hypobolic) more strict than the ones us common folks use. I can definitely see how for some, even that is not enough, so there is a good thing that meds provide so many more options to people.

In less than two months! It was insane! I bet your colleague cheat or eat stuff with carbs and don't know it. If they are women... understandable... it is a lot harder to see results as a lady.

Fun fact: a keto diet is used to treat folks with epileptic seizures. It was only after drugs were invented to make it you can it sugar that they stopped recommending it... unless no drugs (that you pay for) works.

My SO is like that. Mind you, he has lost 7 inches on his waist and more inches on other places, gained on the arms, he is still the same weight. He "cheats" a lot and refuses to give up beer... but hey there is still some progress.

Takes years to put on, if you don't want saggy skin, you take it slow taking it off. Fat is filling. It is double the calories of carbs, without the cravings for unnecessary feedings carbs make.


Grr... not "available" in my country and Hola isn't being much help.

White as snow Scandinavian here. I never use sunscreen. It blocks the absorption of uv light which leads to vitamin D production, which in turn helps reduce chances of getting over 77 different types of cancer.I also have magic skill as I've only had one sunburn in my life and that was over 20 years ago. Okay maybe

What wanna-be seat traders could do is beg the ticket people for help for seat trading. When that happens, they find out the solo fliers and offer them free stuff to switch. I would have just switched (as long as I didn't end up with less leg room or ended in a middle seat) but the added incentive was really nice and

Goes both ways. Maybe the person that refuses to trade with you doesn't want to sit in that other seat because the person in the seat next to it assaulted their entire family/ they had a tramatic experience on that side of the plane/something really awful? Maybe their day is much worse than yours. If they say no,

There is a difference between actually liking small talking and just acknowledging that it is acceptable. For all we know all 78% of those that said small talk is acceptable, would still prefer silence.

Write and complain. They might send you free pink ones!

Such a strange question. Of course some people don't have dishwashers. Some people even have to go to this thing called a laundromat to clean their clothes. Heathens, I tell you!!

St John's Wort is a mao inhibitor. There are tons of contraindications with other drugs so there still is a level of caution/possible side effects as there is with anything you put into your body.

Reading OP's post, I don't see anywhere where they were saying this in any relation to people with serious depression.

While less scary of a term, I don't think it is less effective. When I hear "condomless sex" it reminds me that something is missing, that condoms are a part of sex and when they are not there, it is something that is lacking to the point it changes "sex" to "condomless sex."

You say you know many people who have never been tested for STIs and engage in "condomless sex" except that to them, they probably still refer to it as "unprotected sex" considering the new terminology is new. I suspect that this new name change didn't encourage their behaviour.

Just buy a second hand tread mill for $100 or less and then put a piece of wood on the front to hold your laptop.