
In Canada they do that for the "medical" abortion. You have to go in the clinic in the morning to get "prepped" and they give you pills that you are to insert later that night.. then you spend like an eternity in absolute pain. I would assume that for this type of abortion they would send them home in the US to

With the "medical" abortion.. the pills aren't taken orally.

I know that. And I'm not an immunologist. Luckily for me my biggest issue was my diet all along so I no longer am taking my inhaler 4 times a day (maybe once a month now) and now can walk up stairs without pain.

I love it whenever I see it.

Personally, as a person on paleo, I much more enjoy life not wheezing all the time from my now non-existent asthma or having my joints hurt or having acne. I also enjoy finally being able to keep a normal circadian rhythm and having lots of energy without the need for coffee. So what if I have to order a steak when I

what does that have to do with anything?

that whole "a man who sleeps around is a stud, a woman who sleeps around is a slut." goes for thinking about sex too. Isn't "ladylike" for women to think about sex.

What does that have to do with abortion?

My mother bought a leather couch that cost $15,000 3 decades ago. Lord knows what that would translate into in todays prices. However, my great-great-great grand children are going to be able to use this couch it is that awesome in quality.

You should look into leather restoring. Once you see how undifficult it is to fix any scratches on a good quality couch you will feel much more free to enjoy it.

A while ago I had sent a couple of pictures to ONE person and they were never public. Facebook then changed stuff and all those pics showed up in my timeline as if I put them out there publicly (I viewed my profile while logged out and they were there.) I obviously deleted them all, but I have no sympathy for this

Thanks. That is a really awesome that they do that.

Who pays for the trip?

The science is actually pretty damn solid.

LOL Me too!!!

that was amazingly put.

When I was in camp as a kid, there was this 9 year old boy in my team (we raced mini sail boats) and he started talking about how he thought gender roles sucked and that it would be nice if we lived in a world where it was acceptable for girls to propose to boys and for boys to be at home and girls go to work.

that is what immigration is for.

Or better yet, get plain shoes and some craft supplies so she can make them her own.

It should be a safe assumption that all people don't like strangers taking up their personal space.