
If I saw a mysterious new icon on my phone, I would immediately delete it and then worry about which stupid free app I downloaded decided to stealth install some spam on my phone. Once I found out that it was my sig other messing with my phone, I would start to put a lock on the thing.

Only if you are the same type of person who doesn't spend the $5 in the first place to cover your drain pipes to prevent such tragedies. But I, too, am curious of who is fitted with this bill.

I remember the first time I saw a woman at a bar with one of these tattoos over a decade ago. I was mortified with all the disgusting comments guys were making about this woman (in my ear shot, out of hers) because of that tattoo. It is like the moment they saw it all they could think of is doing her doggy style

Wow. IMO, getting Plan B would seem to be more of a pain in the ass than daily pills unless they have a serious case of ADD making it almost impossible to keep any routine let alone taking a pill daily... but then there are so many other options that take less effort and are much cheaper in the long run (that shot

Where "I think I'll be in 5 years" means nothing but "let's pretend to sound good in an interview" which in turn comes down to the interviewers using it to see which interviewee had the most relatable pretend future and which to 'cross off the list' because they weren't pleased with it. It isn't based on anything that

The last time I was asked that question I told them that any answer I gave them would not only be a lie for the interview, but a lie to myself as for all I know I could wake up tomorrow with a new found hate for whales and want to start a career in whale hunting. They laughed and loved it.

You do realize that to be a pharmacist you need the proper education qualifications, right? It isn't something anyone is hired for or can take a weekend course to do.

does one need a prescription for birth control pills where you live? Surely that would be a cheaper option.

Even with it pointed out I still don't see how it is similar other than the typical themes that all dresses carry

I have a higher end HP from 2009 and it was doing the same thing as my previous HPs did, too. Apparently it is an issue with HPs/Compaqs as per what I've seen online. Also doesn't help that the fan/cooling vent thingy is on the bottom of the laptop but other than that, the fan is still functioning as it should, it

I always use an electric pan or electric wok. No need to wait for the oil to heat before putting the popcorn in nor any need to shake it, just toss in the oil, popcorn, put a lid on it, set to high and leave alone until the popping slows down. When popping slows, turn off the heat and leave it until popping stops (so

They offer weekly specials that you can't get at the store yourself. For myself, at least, it also saves me the 2 hours (total) it takes to drive into the city to get groceries, have to deal with crowds and line ups and come home, which is priceless as my time if very valuable to me.

I never feel hunger and tend to forget to eat a lot because of it.. usually when I start to get dizzy and faintish as my already low blood pressure drops even more. Not so good because then I eat too much and just feel all-round sick. Now I just have an app that reminds me to eat something every three hours and it

Not to mention there are other similar services in other areas. (eg GroceryGateway)

Some men carry purse-like bags, don't forget about them!

I only take off my glasses when wearing contacts or sleeping, but I STILL manage to misplace them regularly. They they get 'moved' while I am sleeping either by myself or a cat. Unfortunately, if I can't find my glasses, I probably can't find my phone either!

those drawers are horrible! Too many times in my life I would buy fresh veggies throw them in a drawer, forget they are there and continue to eat frozen veggies as the fresh ones liquefy.

Heartbreaking. She is putting her own future at risk.

Having missed final exams in the past, they let me reschedule and take them later. Which is awesome because you get to take them in a nice private room with a comfy chair and some profs will even offer to bring you snacks and stuff.

I didn't even think of it as a race thing at all until I got to the comments. She could have been any race and he still would have asked for the massage. Now if the intern was male it would have never happened.