
Fuck you Commie! If their systems are so great, why do so many people come here for our world class (ranked 37th!) health care? USA! USA! USA!

Yeah, their racism(speciesism?) is greatly offensive!

Does anybody else have an issue where the longer they leave their computer running, the more stuttery XBMC gets? It doesnt matter if XBMC has been running or not, but after the computer is on for a while videos will stutter.

When you make a car that looks like sex, theres no reason to stop fucking it.

I really wish they would just stick the Scirocco lights on the Golf.

I know what you mean, its hard for me to get my arm in a comfortable resting position in my 2011 Civic and that things windows arent even that high.

DS9 should really be higher. The first half of TNG isnt that great, while the second half is pretty fantastic. DS9 on the other hand is great the entire way.

@Obi-Haiv: Often compared to what? If you take away federal funding because of red tape then youre left with a funding pit. If you remove red tape you lead to an increase in wasted tax payer money (and yes, Im aware that useful technology sometimes come from research that went nowhere).

If by "true advancement" you mean research conducted without federal funds, youre full of shit. Research is so heavily subsidized by the government that its almost impossible for anything to occur without it.

He created the internet like other politicians build bridges. They dont actually lay any concrete, but they still get credit.

You left out how when he was governor of California he got rid of the mental health hospitals injecting a large portion of the people who should be in care facilities into the prison system because they have nowhere else to go.

Thanks for posting that, it bugs the shit out of me when people make fun of Al Gore's claim of inventing the internet. I figure he can keep "claiming" to invent the internet like all those other politicians can keep claiming that they build bridges (I mean literal bridges, like over water and gorges and shit).

Why play Words with Friends when you can play Word Feud?

I have to refresh every time I click on an article, otherwise it loads forever

Profile and rear say want, front says do not...

Just another reason to believe its going to be a great next two years...

Fuck yes Dead Air, probably my favorite L4D map. Its basically the only thing Ive missed having switched from L4D to L4D2.

Um, yes please.

Oh man, that battery update we needed might just happen?