
15 minutes to determine if I like a product? Bullshit.

DeBeers is going to be pissed.

Wow thats a lotta 240.

@Oppo-S2K: This. I was pretty pro FT-86, but Toyota has gone and fucked it up, so Subaru it is!

Isnt the DeLorean going to be a little cheap? I mean, hit 88mph and boom youve won.

I think the real question is, should I friend my car?

@rickerbr: Ah, it was the 322hp that threw me off as stated power is only 10hpish more than the previous R32.

Part of their complaint is that SUVs and trucks that get shitty milage will be graded lower because they get shitty milage?

Watch out for blood clots.

I dont like how its not a VR6 engine.

An antarctic vacation would be pretty cool (pun not intended).

The Lancia Delta is a prime example of boxy at its best.

I totally thought this was going to be about The Tudors.

@truthtellah: Of course not, they can grow new eyes in petri dishes.

@Detective Nordberg: Isnt that the name that you want to touch, but you musnt touch?

@elementary: I agree, but the only other options to increase funding to these things is to raise taxes or cut services in other areas.

@Chilli: I fear your clothes are no longer clean

@NomNom83: The acting is bad enough that it could end up on The Soup....its really bad.