
Theyre photograhpers and they even get HD video?

Am I the only one who thinks the iPhones screen isnt that impressive?

So close to storm troopers.

Cow blood is in pasta? Why is cow blood in pasta?

@Phintastic: I didnt start him either, and now I have to rely on Eli. Son. Of. A. Bitch.

Wait, this is hockey? I think I get it now...

@CumaeanSibyl: Id say the Datsun 510 also has a certain style and flair about it. Maybe not as legendary as the Mini, but seriously, have you seen one of those? Theyre awesome.

This is like an ultra loft. If only they had an elevator for their car.

@LeadfootYT: Wow, that has some massive straights.

@Twonius: I think this season is all wet laps, hahaha.

How is $300 super expensive? Wasnt the Incredble $300 with contract when it first came out?

Hes really ballsy with his passing, I dont think Id attempt squeezing past campers at 100mph+

@Hellkeeper: But is there a downside to having a netbook use a 64bit system? If it doesnt decrease battery life then fuck it who cares?

@volim: For that you need Windows ME. Its super solid and should last you a long long time.

@Twonius: I just cant believe he asked his girlfriend/wife/sister? to shave a 3 in his back and she did it.

For the longest time I had no idea they were saying Like a Rock. I thought maybe Lacquer up, but that didnt make a whole lot of sense to me.

While twins they may be, hot they are not.

@Sodboy13: The dude fucks dogs, Im not sure hes an expert at putting things where theyre supposed to go.