
@LeonBA: At least you did something fun, I usually just channel surf and fuck around on the internet until 10pm when I decide its probably best to start the three hours of reading I have for that 8am class.

@CyberRanger: Clearly youve never been to Sacramento. Its nothing but legislators and farmers.

Wait, Im confused about the course: LAX to San Diego to Vegas? Why?

Why is it that technology that is used to kill is also so fucking cool?

I totally read "recycled bits and bobs" as recycled bits and boobs and wondered for a second where I could find some second hand naughty parts.

Im not a huge fan of Halo, but this is fucking awesome.

@superhuffy: Well, its for a good cause, women also watch football, and its good publicity for a sport thats seen as kind of sexist.

@PegasusActual: When they started gutting the Superstar mode they lost me as a customer.

I cant find Car Home, but since Im running SenseUI, do I need to wait for HTC to update Car Panel (I assume this is HTCs version of Car Home).

@wesfx: It was probably meant to be a temporary solution as they looked to find a more permanent one.

@thesmilies: This makes me wish I had places to go.

@Captain_Goober: Oh I agree, but I think for some its the fact that as you shoot virtual US soldiers as a virtual Talaban real soldiers are being killed by real Talaban in very similar situations. Its a little too real, or close, or something.

@Ash Paulsen: I wouldnt say it sucks, but I wouldnt say Im sold on the game. I'll definitely rent it and see.

@Captain_Goober: The difference is that those games werent made while we were fighting the Nazis and Vietcong.