
$1.35 million and I still have to live in Joshua Tree? Fuck that.

As terrible as this is, Im forced to wonder, why cant the 13 year old cook?

@Archaotic: Yeah, I dont think taking a break is a bad thing. I think Red Dead is the first Rockstar game Ive played where I didnt take a serious break (I think I took a 6 month break before finishing GTA IV).

@Salari: It was pretty good, but then it leaves you with having to play as Jack. Who sucks. I fucking hate his voice. I want John back. :(

Were the other (2?) DLCs worth it? I may pick this up, but with all the new games coming out maybe I wont. Im leaning towards not, unless its a deal of the week or whatever. Someone convince me.

@Archaotic: I know how you feel, Mexico isnt the greatest part of the game. That could be because the first part is excellent and you get pretty excited about heading up to Blackwater. It could be because Mexico feels really long.

@godot: Just because the courts find this law acceptable doenst mean theyll find the next law acceptable. Its not a sliding scale when it comes to this balancing test. Banning the sale of violent video games to minors may be okay, but banning the sale of violent video games would not be.

@trunkenmath: Also, judging the entirety of SoCal by Orange County is kinda fucked. Orange County is a fucking bubble filled with rich assholes.

@godot: Wal-Mart doesnt stock porn because it wants to keep a family friendly reputation. It already stocks violent video games, a change in the rating isnt going to effect that. Changing porns name isnt going to get it put in Wal-Mart because its the product itself they find objectionable. Violent video games are

@trunkenmath: Maybe the kid had mental disabilities?

@RStormgull: Well, thats the opposing counsels brief so of course its going to say that.

@godot: Porn isnt sold in Wal-Mart because Wal-Mart doenst want to sell porn.

@sqlrob: Games still come with manuals?

@HektikLyfe: Eh, when I see a tC I dont think speed demon, I think sportier Corolla.

Man, I really want a 510 wagon, but Ill settle for a 2 door.

@HektikLyfe: Coming from my aging 240sx it was peppy enough. I wouldnt buy one, and its a total chick car, but I wouldnt say its a bad car. Its good at what its supposed to do - be a cheap car for people 16-24.

The tC is pretty decent.

One day one will be mine.

@QoB: That is all sorts of awesome.