
While I definitely enjoyed getting the two straight achievements more than the one for making two fictional school boys kiss (since....I'm straight) all three of them were really funny to do. I didn't think these people's reactions were that bad though.

This article's title made me laugh so loud.

I bet she's just revived, but I'll be pretty excited if there is an option.



Oh my God that white XB1 controller.... yes.

So this means he'll write/direct/star in Justice League.

Chaos Theory is in my Top 5 all time favourite games.. So much fun to be had, one of the few games I'd replay just because I wanted to keep playing it. Most fun multiplayer experience ever too (online but especially system link).

Nordic Games says that "Deadfall Adventures is the first game in a first-person perspective that explores the Lost World and Action-Adventure genre, which was popularized through novels (like the Quatermain-novels by H. R. Haggard)". So if you've been waiting for such a game, you need only wait... another month,

Back in the Original Xbox days we called them Mad Crapz and whenever we played 4 way Halo we had to take turns with who got the two real controllers and who got the ones that pause when you press B and move your character when you're not touching it.

It says you just have to answer a few questions, I bet they'll be skeptical of you when they see that you played the game all the way through despite not liking it.

They weren't even that bad before gamers are just brats.

Definitely doing this.

Haven't seen anyone report on the retail version being delayed until Friday, kind of peeved I can't play it yet.

Awesome! I'm always in an Xbox LIVE Party and dislike having to leave everyone to play a PC game (my xbox is on a monitor so I usually play PC games while in an Xbox Party)

It's less expensive for me now, finally.

Excellent! I am hoping they take this approach with the new Mass Effect as well.

It's true, I'd say Call of Duty, Battlefield and sort of Halo (but not as much as it used to) kind of concentrate all the pricks into one community whereas games like Mass Effect 3 have a great userbase (it's all I play online so I can't give better examples).

Why isn't Call of Duty being blamed instead of all of Xbox LIVE.