I can't believe how many people don't RTFA on how to vote.
I can't believe how many people don't RTFA on how to vote.
VOTE: Runkeeper
Nail clipping! Sweet jesus that drives me insane when co-workers do that. *snip* *snip* *snip*
I wonder if this holds true if you already sliced away some of the cucumber....
Springpad! Come on, people! :)
I just got myself going on NetVibes yesterday after I heard the news. It's definitely no iGoogle, but I'm trying to make it work. I wish the news was more iGoogle-like, without having a read/unread for everything, like news. I would like to restrict read/unread to just RSS feeds. Also, forget categorizing your RSS…
VOTE: Springpad
Just need them to have the Chrome extension; so I can do offline editing in Windows. Then it will be a complete package.
What's this "phone number" thing? Is it like a fax? ;)
VOTE: Pandora
Yup, PKGBackup is the way to go. About 90% perfect.
I agree! Sounds canned and insincere. When I ask the interviewee to tell me about themselves, I expect a human response, and I especially don't want someone to blow smoke up my ......
Wow, not one comment about sex yet! "Lasting stronger", "every two strikes"?! This is a freaking softball! You people disappoint me!
I just JMP a lot. Bubble plots (what JMP calls them) are great! And now you can embed all their animated goodness into Powerpoint and web pages.
It's my mad skillz! (with a "z", so you know they are mad)
How I Met your Mother showed it best.
Good point. I would have found user agent switching useful on a couple antiquated websites (homebrewing (beer) competition sign-ups) where the people who manage the site haven't touched it in years. However IETab also worked for that problem anyway.
+1 for IE Tab on Chrome. Gonna try out the User Agent Switcher, and see if that works, too.
Yeah, Springpad is kicking butt right now, and improving every couple of weeks. However, I have never messed with Evernote.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Our queue is at the bottom of the barrel.