
WTF, why are there so many asshole drivers in Colton? That earlier story about a biker chasing down a hit-and-run Mercedes was also in Colton.

You realize that’s not the first time it’s been hot in the Southwest, right? Flights get delayed and canceled all the time due to heat and they’ve had that issue since people have been flying there.

Shouldn’t it be the author’s job to cite sources and not the reader’s job to find them? Regardless of the opinion, not citing or linking sources is lazy.


OFFS, this headline is super click-bait-y. Everyone knows TSA has already ruined air travel.

Leaf springs or nothing amirite.

This, of course, is the top notch investigating that I come here for! Well done as always, sir, well done!

Not their first rodeo.

I was trying to guess where this was - I’m from the South Bay originally. That’s a great road - I’ve taken it from Niles Canyon, which is a lovely drive. Down closer to where I grew up, the roads in and around the foothills of the Santa Cruz mountains by Guadalupe, Almaden and Calero reservoirs are nice, too. Hicks

HOLY CRAP! I know that road! It’s Calaveras Road out of Milpitas, CA heading toward Sunol, CA. When it was open (they’re doing work on the dam out there currently), I’d drive it home every Friday or whenever traffic on 680 was atrocious!

Market research studies are always hilarious, because they’re generally at the whim of whatever the marketing people want to get out of it. The “would you pay more for this?” question is my favorite, because it leaves the option of “fuck no, I want to pay the same”. One way to get around this is to baseline with a

That rear wing is a little excessive

Sounds like an utter crap company to work for on all levels.

Yes, because this is a website about CARS and this story highlights how she used her CAR and her MANUAL TRANSMISSION to escape.

Oh good they got caught.

Neutral. I know we aren’t big fans of them all the time, but I think for any electric car to be truly mass market it needs to price similar to a Camry. If the Camry can be America’s number one sedan by sales, then probably trying to price as close you can to Camry would really make a mass market car.

FORD=Full Of Reefer, Dude.

John Zachary DeLorean, DeLorean Motor Company, nor any of its subsidiaries, partners, vendors, nor affiliates were ever involved in the smuggling or distribution of narcotics, or any other type of contraband.

Ok, this isn’t going to be the most popular opinion but assuming you want to do some autocross or local rally cross: Dodge Neon. There is a good aftermarket. They are dirt cheap. They were made when Chrysler was basically surviving by parts binning the crap out of everything so there is lots of junkyard