
Bomani Jones made a good point about how this freelancer was the only media person willing to pursue this story and that all those journalists bitching about the 1st Amendment and mizzou are cowards when it comes to cases like this.

The real question is: should someone who has less than a hundred followers who makes an insensitive joke face death threats and other harassment?

Thank you. Also, your account name is glorious.

Really? Green Lantern is who you’d pick as a rebound guy?

But, with the blast shield down, he can’t even see! How’s he supposed to catch?

dont give her any ideas

what in sweet hell is this.

It was actually her boyfriend’s long lost twin brother, tho

At least it was just awkward. Did you hear about the guy who actually used his bike indoors? Man... never getting that out of my head ever...

Did you read any of the article? Nothing he said is remotely close to that.

You just haven’t reached stage 5 yet.

I bet not even half of these guys even live under bridges.

Beast Boy and Starfire?

Pretty much this.

Goddamn this comment is so on point

The important thing, both of them allow that person to call the female in question a slut and feel unerroringly superior to her.

the 6th chest contains blue engrams

this is trolling but honestly it sounds great to me.

questions only raised in the midwest, where passive aggression is the key to success.

In Doom’s justice system the people are represented by two separate, but equally important groups. The Thors, who investigate crime, and the Thors, who dole out divine justice.