
Right? Like in that car commercial where every man they drive past is Ryan Reynolds, I keep expecting him to show up as Deadpool in it.

Phew, before they made this I was really concerned about them being pro ISIS.

Tries to tell a played out stereotype insult everyone has heard a million times, is told off because its a dumb and bad stereotype, then jackass who said the insult says people just can’t handle his super edgy and original humor. And it only took you a few posts to go from an perpetuating an annoying stereotype, to

Yeah but much like France, the vast majority of the US population lives in big urban centers. So we don’t have to cover the entirety of the county, just focus on the big cities and it will still do good for millions of ppl.

That’s mostly because whenever localization changes for a game receive the bleating cries of censorship, they are almost always for the “haha creepy Japanese stuff.”

Literally can’t say anything comical these days without sounding sexist, racist, or offending some demographic like fat people.

Errrrrrrrrr, go look at the straight up translations vs the localized versions of all the supports from FE Awakening. There were a ton of changes (for the better) from the “original ideas” across the entire game. That’s because without them it would have been an inferior game, localization has to take into account the

Right, like, there a whole bunch of people in these comments complaining about something as insignificant as a change in the NA version of a video game. They are seriously letting changes to one tiny scene out of thousands get them all hot and bothered.

True!! In this case I think the game might be more ridiculous than the picture makes it look.

HAHA This looks like something you’d see on an old NES game box, some art that looked insane/awesome but had absolutely nothing to do with the game inside.

There’s a very simple action you can take, by not clicking on articles about the game, You too can avoid reading about it!!!!

Wait a developer changing something that was already released due to public backlash?? CENSORSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The least they could have done is make it a spear or axe user, instead of a another sword guy.

That’s exactly where I am with all of these, they all seem cool a hell, but you know a few of them are going to die off in a couple years.

Ook.... but is chibi Braum still available? Because that shit is adorable.

Normally I’m pretty tolerant of profane things on tv, and I'm not puritanical about adults doing what they want, as long as they’re not hurting anybody.

PC is against bullying and aggressiveness. It’s against death threats and harassment too.

Wait you’re against online death threats, you support people being decent to each other instead of spewing hatred and bile, you want to explain to people how the views they hold are wrong and hurtful..........