
So here's the funny thing, they used to do it all the time. Actually twitch recently put a dress code banning shirtless ppl, and a bunch of dudes threw a fit about it. Because they said HAD to do it shirtless because they need to cool off because they get so hot streaming.

Yes, and I assume the people giving it are watching the streams. So they are donating because they like the stream. So how are they being tricked? Are they not giving their money of their own free will? Are they not allowed to see the stream before giving money?

Well let's examine a little closer. One is typically created by men to please men, the other is a human being making her own choices. Also I don't see any of these women wearing anything remotely like what people complain about in games.

So? How dare she talk with viewers?

How are these women exploiting anyone??? My god overreact much.

I dunno, you presented that picture like it's some horrible thing, buts it's just a woman sitting at a computer. What's so bad about that?

Yeah but he's not a sinful woman so it's fine.

Haha haha like twitch will be some perfectly nice neighborhood without women.

OMG how horrible!!! A woman!!! On a screen, how dare she show her face in public unaccompanied by a man!!!!

Ahhhhh kinda triple post

Ahhhhh kinda double post

Hahaha no, if you hold a door for a women she'll go through it. Nobody gets mad if you just hold a door open.

Soooo tldr.

YEAH!! And I haven't seen a single article about this awesome job opportunity either!! Whats up with that Kotaku?

Since this is all inexplicably true, what if the troll move is that the chest that is supposed to appear doesn't actually exist?

It was not censored. It will never have been censored no matter how much you say that it was. You and millions of people saw the cover, the fact that we all saw it means it was not censored.

It was not censored. It will never have been censored no matter how much you say that it was. You and millions of people saw the cover, the fact that we all saw it means it was not censored.

It was not censored. It will never have been censored no matter how much you say that it was. You and millions of people saw the cover, the fact that we all saw it means it was not censored.

It was not censored. It will never have been censored no matter how much you say that it was. You and millions of people saw the cover, the fact that we all saw it means it was not censored.