
Yes reproduction is an important part of life. But the original article isn't even about reproduction, it's about how the brain perceives women. Sexual attraction isn't always a factor in that perception, it doesn't give any info on sexual orientation of the participants but we can assume some women were straight,

It is all related. It's understanding how and why our brains work. Life is infinitely more complicated than "i wanna reproduce." But it is kind of obvious you don't like critical thinking, and examining human behavior beyond "man think woman pretty, want sex" is not something you're interested in.

No not simple at all. It's actually incredibly complicated, influenced by social and biological factors that science still doesn't fully understand. Does this only happen to people in America or other "modern" cultures? Does it occur across all age groups and sexualities? Is this an innate way our brains are wired,

It's a little more complicated than that, because it goes beyond simple attraction. And women perceive other women this way as well.

That reminds me of this article. It basically says that the way the brain processes women and men are different. We view men as a whole entity, while we view women as parts of a whole. It's pretty depressing to think that objectification has some sort of biological reason for existing.

I had no clue who Kate Bosworth was before reading this article. Do I win?

Well obviously those kids are smoking on someone's private property because of being exposed to those gosh darn women referees...............

ESPN actually has some good stuff. Of course it's never on the main channel or on the top of their webpage. But if you dig there are some really interesting articles.

What the hell???? I thought my post was ridiculous because it would never happen to the people in charge, just the asshole fans. God this world sucks...

Bwhahaha this is amazing, how have I not seen it before.

"Women???? Telling men the rules of football???"

The Halo multiplayer countdown. Beep Beep Beep Booop. It is a small thing but without it, the game would feel different.

I saw Katy Perry swinging through the jungle. And I think we can all agree that if everyone too a minute or two to do a Tarzan vine swing, the world would be a better place.

"Emily!!!! The master sword is for vanquishing evil, NOT cutting the grass. We have a lawn mower, use it"

That is awesome!!!

But I guess some people are into it — according to ABC News, tens of thousands of people have downloaded it since it came out on Tuesday.


87' Represent!!! My god that was highschool for me. We had a small graduating class with like 8 Katie's.

I have a friend who's name is Joe, not Joseph. I always thought that was weird.

Huhh I would have never thought of Katie as ethnic, all but two of the ones I know are white girls.