
BRZ and Miata owners...

I know this isn't FARK, but if this isn't an instance to use a "Having solved all other problems" headline, I don't know what is.

Very subtle including your own joke in the list of great Maldanado jokes. That's like being in charge of COTD and giving yourself COTD.

I like the Holy Grail. But I much prefer The Ginger Man.

Agreed, fuck Jason. He's nothing but a paparazzo.

Stop trying to create contrivered bigotry. Stop implying that all republicans are homophobes. One bad apple shouldn't spoil the bunch.

Is this entire post just troll bait?

Plano is just NE of Dallas, no, they should not be worried...Christ, just stfu.

While I certainly understand everyone's sentiments, FL and TX have great economies, though how much of it is taxed is always debatable; worse, how those states make money is also a factor, like FL, a hospitality-based state trying to attract intellectual resources with public university funding, etc. CA is in debt but