
When you and a buddy are out in the wilds and face a bear, the best gun to have is a .22. Shoot your buddy in the leg and run like hell!

This is assuming that people are smart. I know a few people that I'd rather talk to a smart phone instead.

They really need to add rm -r /* command to the end of these so noobs will learn something from the experience of copying code.

Steampunk it, put a modern sensor in it. Ha!

We're all going to die from RF radiation. This will just make it faster.

The problem with photos is that you can't get consistent flattering photos at random. Top magazines take thousands of photos and pick out maybe a dozen. There are two side by side photos that look like the same lady, but just way different lighting.

Or will this simply kill off Chrome?

@thebear91: They had a top speed of around 20 MPH, worked on lakes, I don't think they would be good for surfing though, too much weight. 15 HP motor on the back.

@n8many: It was land for sale, the original sign belong to a realtor.

Are we assuming they made some rule of conduct to go along? I mean, talking to your future ex-wife while someone else is speaking is kind of rude.

The real problem here is that it is cheap and easy to just buy another set of lights, specially the day after Christmas. Last year I purchased 100 light strings for $0.44 each. Kind of makes it hard to justify looking for the bulb that is not making the connection.

@icelight: right, but my understanding is that they produce much more than they need and it would be wasted if they didn't use it.

Hate to have a power failure right after go.

@nachobel TOTORO!: Reality, our pilots are handcuffed with rules and regs to a point where it takes a lot of time to get approval to do anything. IAF has much less and can take action quicker.

Looks boring. Straight lines until the jet has to turn around again...very slowly. You telling me they don't have a snowmobile to do this with?

Chop Lifter!!

I rolled my eyes as soon as I saw the first two were Mac Apps for smart phones. Come on, can we NOT mention iPhone in every single article?

Reading the headline, I thought this was going to be a TSA story. (tampering with package, touching the junk, etc.)