
I liked all of them. I'm enjoying Fable 3 again because it's free on xbl.

I think it would be good fan service to release a mod kit for Battlefield 3 since the new game is coming out soon. Then do the same for Battlefield 4 whenever 5 or Bad Company 3 comes out.

It's bullshit that Nolan North, Troy Baker, John Dimaggio, Jennifer Hale, Jen Taylor, and Tricia Helfer aren't in this movie.

Transformers 2 is pretty terrible but that rail gun near the end was pretty cool.

Lady, you have it easy. Try being a 6 foot 5 inch man with size 15 feet. I haven't bought shoes in a store since middle school and most of the clothes that fit me are boring as shit.

He really needs to be on Top Gear.

They're missing the streaker. They can pull off multiple brilliant matches and get the highest score and in an instant play like utter garbage. I'm one of those streakers.

Didn't Nintendo start out as a toy company before making the NES?

Yeah that's what I'm thinking too. A geologically stable country seems like the smartest place to build it.

How does the TV aspect of this game differ from what Defiance does with it's tv show and game?

It makes me angry that there is a brand of duct tape called Duck Tape and the closest thing they have to ducks printed on the tape is Angry Birds.


you must be real fun at parties.

I think I'm going to wait until they discount the Xbox One a bit, probably the 2014 holiday season.

Android is really segmented because of how phone makers put skins over top and that limits software updates. iOS is basically the same for multiple versions of the iPhone so it's easy to integrate into other things. Also, Apple users generally have more money so it's in car companies best interest to get Apple users

Oh how I hate Ohio State.

Hopefully he crashes on the first lap and loses his ride.

I know what we can do! Let's make her body look like this ~

Who buys this crap? It seems like their money would be better spent just burning it in a pile. At least there is some sort of spectacle. However, Christoph Waltz does look really good in that jacket.