This version somehow made it funny.
This version somehow made it funny.
Jared Harris' fiancé sounds like an Italian car.
90 dollars for workout headphones? Sennheiser makes the best exercise headphones I've ever owned and are much cheaper. It would be a waste to spend so much on headphones that you're going to sweat on.
Yeah I'm really surprised these aren't in the hive five. definitely the best exercise headphones i've owned. next would probably be the less expensive earbuds with hoops that go around the ear to keep them in place.
One step forward, two steps back.
What happened to jalopnik tv on /drive?
I'd rather have a new slugfest than MVP baseball
Carla Bruni used to drive a Morris Marina, you know.
lol the video isn't available in my country. I'm not surprised Sky news is that way since they're owned by Rupert Murdoch and News Corp.
Dammit, I like him because he's a good actor and my facial hair idol but Uma Thurman is a lovely woman and cheating is a shitty thing to do.
I think a lot of the time it's people purposefully exploiting glitches that no one could have caught in QA. They're still really funny though.
Really? I didn't know that. In America, only BBC content is really available. I figured for profit companies could do as they please in regards to content.
origami folded like a flower...
I'd like to know that ladies name. For research purposes.
A lot of BBC radio programs are co-produced with NPR.
I think it's because the BBC is funded by every Briton while MSNBC, Fox News, etc. are for-profit companies so they cater to different demographics. NPR is funded by everyone so they do a pretty good job of just reporting the facts or having both sides to an argument represented.
I think if you like driving the tanks in Battlefield 3 and like to be tactical, World of Tanks would be fun to play. Also, watch sidestrafe on youtube. How makes a lot of videos of him playing WoT.
Both. What up Detroit.