TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

Interference in a free market? You should really lay-off the crack.

Time to tell your dad to fuck off. I don't mean to sound like an asshole but to hell with what he thinks. He had his 15 minutes of fame with his high school pals and now its your turn. If he doesn't want to support your projects, even if its just a quick word here and there, he doesn't need to have any of your

The Stig Pegasus, duh.

Believe me, we hit a new low on our first day.

Thanks for the compliment!

Technically both. The "Trans Am" is just a sub-model name for the Firebird.

Report says he fell asleep at the wheel. Kinda hard to apply the brakes when you're asleep.

*sungalsses* Yeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!

Its best she not know. If she ever asks what "shipping" is, do everything to distract her.

Yes and I approve.


So the guy who changes your oil said your stereo was installed really, really well? High praise indeed.

Hell, "Motorweek" did their own car vs plane segment. It was as boring as you think.

I have cable, but I ain't giving NASCAR any of my money.

Strip club? Which one?

Now playing

I bet you listened to this while delivering the 'zas.

Madness, that explains this COTD!

Well played, you smart-ass, well played. =D