TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

Well played.

That crossed my mind too.

Be sure to loudly announce that at his funeral. The family would appreciate it.

Whoops. Typo Ms. $kaycog.

I see what you did there.

A few years back, I drove a '94 Vic for a couple months. Fan-fucking-tastic car. Quiet, smooth, comfortable and surprising punch from the venerable 4.6 V8. I loved driving that thing down SoCal's congested freeways, because everyone knows the shape of a Vic and they got the hell out of the way, for fear of it being a

I sure hope Sid's dad says "Son, I am disappoint" for everyday that car exists in its condition. Tough love and all that.

I think you meant "crashing into orange traffic barrels with a Juke wouldn't hurt its looks at all."

And then the dad put his dick in a desk drawer.....


Its weird, but when you're puking your guts out after a wild-ass night of Jagerbombs and Tunatinis, your body can still find something else to throw-up.

This is for you.

Guy wouldn't know consummate Vees if it bit him in the face.

I'll be in the basement.

I wish I could take credit but it was another loyal Jalopnik who did that genius work. I just archive the edits for the sake of the lulz. =D

Imma leave this here.

13. Drink the pain away.

Pomona; its a crack-pipe kind of town.

This is all there is to say about this crack fiend.