TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

also, more nonsense

I concur. Small car + small HP = big time fun. Why do you think hooning a golf cart is such a blast?


You're doing it wrong.

Just be sure to only go in straight lines with a turbo Spirit. The torque-steer will try to vector you into the nearest tree or other stationary object.

My parents said they were gonna get me a CB radio so I could talk with the other car beds in the neighborhood.

Drag that bitch back behind the shed and put it out of its misery.

So, I can pick between a mangy cat or a gutless cutlass? Yeah, I'd also go with the Olds.

I think what you heard was the cheapo pleather seats.

This my friends, is Comment of the Fucking Weekend.

"Looks to me like the best part you ran down the crack of your momma's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress! I think you've been cheated!"

Cobra motor in his Vic. Thats a whole new world of stupid.

Trust me, they would know the difference. Or at least the ones here in SoCal would; they're all gun nuts.

This should cover it.

The AR-15 is based on the M16/M4, so it really wouldn't be a stretch to call it that.

/couldnt help myself

I know the Inuit word for "snake" because of Metal Gear Solid.

If anyone needs me, I'll be in the basement.