TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?

Wow $kaycog, I think you've out down yourself here. The amazing bit is, you'll find an even more amazing COTD girl!

Something like that?

Oh, I know it was a typo, I just couldn't resist. As a cat myself, I'm wary of anyone trying to beat me and my feline friends.

I understand he already has a replacement.

I've never heard of an alternator bursting into flame (though I guess anythings possible).

"Hitting the cat"?! Not cool, at all.

Okay, first of all, your swing is all wrong. Hold the legs of that chair at the very end of 'em and get some real fucking power in each hit. Second, repeat after me: "tire iron". If you're gonna break windows, thats the device to use. You'll also find it in the trunk of your car. And my last point is, maybe try not to

Dodge is having a Hell of a day.

If every company can make commercials like what Old Spice, Allstate and DirecTV are doing, I'll start watching commercials again. I might even start giving a shit about the products advertised!

Tryin' to steal my fire, eh?


I think you missed the sarcasm both times.

I see you're making friends.

As my dad would say: "Its worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it."

I'm an out-of-control tractor. My driver didn't think about setting the brake when he stopped to get coffee from the roach coach. I aim right for your precious Suzuki, because I'm an out-of-control tractor and thats what I do.