TheAntiCat: i can haz beer?
Now playing

Please, refrain from posting all the lyrics to a relevant song. The video will suffice.

I say sir, do I detect sarcasm in your reply?

I believe that Ford is simply envious of not having any shapely young ladies in their ads. Thus, they are envious.

With a good scrubbing and adding the family crest to the bonnet, this automobile would look smashing in my carriage house!


I strongly disagree with all the self-automated hocus-pocus these witch doctors are toying with. Bah! in my day, we had to hand crank our autocars. Only fools who did not put everything they are into the procedure wouldst receive a broken arm.

@stuffelse: Even with cruise control, you still have to steer.

Hell yeah!

Psi-Ops was a pretty fun game.

This picture is full of win.

More like "because some people think its awesome and would like to drive one."

Dammit dammit dammit.

That has got to be the cleanest engine bay I've ever seen. I'm gonna assume this is a trailer queen.

So a monster of a pancake drives the rear wheels and a torquey as hell blender pulls the car along. Has anyone used that type of setup? This could get interesting.

I can't wait for the civil version of these monsters.