
Learn some stuff!

If you look at the Louvre collection of the most ancient Egyptian art the original people were clearly white. It was only later toward the end of the civilization’s time that black people were a regular part of life there.

Science fiction isn’t typically about “science” it’s about how humans adapt to new situations. So, it’s an exploration about human potential, limitations, etc.

It’s not beyond comprehension if you live a real life in the real world and are part of your community. I live in Philly and have done lots of work in schools there.

Although the robot jokes seem like jokes, they’re basically true.

That’s right, it wasn’t meant to be sexual. It was the same idea as nudist camps where it’s meant to desexualize nudity.

They’ve never done anything wrong based on their policies. It’s pretty harmless and doesn’t spread much.

Both of those religions are dead.

That seems silly to me.

People who work in porn are insane, plain and simple.

I would love to see him on some kind of show once he’s done. I’d watch him in movies as well.

Since I’ve said they’ve created a climate where you can’t critically discuss them and they actively try to ruin people to doing it, what do you think?

Are you kidding?

You’re a close minded idiot.

You aren’t saying anything, not refuting points or proving me wrong, you’re just being insulting. That’s because you have nothing to say and can’t think of anything to say.

Just stop.

I’m not saying my own opinion is fact, I’m talking about facts. You think opinions are facts.

You’re confused by the hype.


Homosexuality got removed from the DSM because homosexuals got to the top of the psych association and had it removed. They also tried to have pedophilia removed about ten years ago but were defeated.