
Sounds like a blaze-of-glory type deal.

I'm 18 and in high school. I've been a firm advocate for uniforms in public schools since, well, forever.

They don't and yet they are. Ever since video games have hit the mainstream (mid-1990s), youth violence has gone down. I believe parents need to approach the violence in the media sensibly ("this is just fake, no one should do this to a real person in real life"), and that parents need to be better-educated about the

My thoughts exactly. That's all I kept thinking as I read the comments. "What if it was a boy's dick instead of a girl's boobs."

You might. That's not 'you will'.

So you just throw physical attraction out the window? You only date someone because they're nice?

She did. It was AWESOME.

As a person who's had a crush on her since I was 9, this video is a GODSEND.

I'm the same way, where I'm far more concerned with personality than physical appearance.

The Call of the Green Mountains

Some people aren't attracted to black guys. The same way some people aren't attracted to white guys.

Cocaine can't be shoehorned into a single decade, man.

Stupid school blocking Buzzfeed. I'd really love to read that article.

I'd love to hand her over to the devil personally.

It should be noted that Thatcher was PM for 11 years, and Major for less than seven. Thatcher's PMship clearly sticks in people's minds more than Major's.

Even though he WAS an ass. A tremendous one.

Thank GOD. Ever since this side-scrolling comment system has been introduced, reading comments (the reason why I read Gawker sites in the first place) has been a dreadful experience.

If she's anything like Thatcher, I'd rather not.

Reagan is worshiped like a God in the US. I believe that Brits just have a better memory of the UK under Thatcher than Americans do under Reagan.