
If you’re gonna emulate (rip off?) another movie, you could do a helluva lot worse by picking something other than The Iron Giant (which must hold the record for an absolutely terrific movie which was completely bungled from a marketing standpoint).

The animated Transformers movie is way better than it needed to be for a toy line movie.

That Jeep is clearly still Bumblebee, his face has his battle mask seen earlier in the trailer.

Only if Bumblebee’s a stick shift.

Remember folks, never build your hopes up based on a Transformers trailer. All of them look cool and fun until you go see the actual movie.

Although I am hopeful this time as it is a good director. This time, surely they will deliver...surely...

Montreal doesn’t have freedom of speech... unless it’s in french.

The way its listed would be as if I described myself as a baseball and football coach, gardener, repairman and videogamer who also occassionaly works 50 hours a week in telecommunications.

... As if the picture of him wearing a bright red onesie is any better…

Did my comment make you sad? Do need to find your safe space? I didn’t even read the article and I am under no obligation to do so, so stop reading shaming me. I saw the photo, thought she looked stupid, and made a comment. My comment had nothing to do with the article. I do that sometimes.

Its a Puffy Shirt! But I don’t wanna look like a pirate!

If these alegation are true, homegirl should have blown his shit up then and there and filed a police report. Going behind the law and trying to keep it out of the media really makes her seem like an opertunistic gold digger...not a victim.

I said that same exact thing, out loud, and laughed. Glad someone beat me to it.

What else would “a Montreal native, an artist, screenwriter and music video director who still bartends” wear?

What the hell is she wearing? Giant man jeans and a pirate shirt?

Looks like a Lincoln to me. Does that mean Lincolns are cool again or Audi is mailing it in?

Blasphemy. Follow the directions, use whole milk and butter, eat straight from hot pot before congealing occurs. Growl at kids who thought you were making to share.

You gotta use a little less butter, and substitute half-and-half for milk. Then if you let it sit in the pot for a couple minutes to congeal some before you inhale it with the mixing spoon, (hard, I know) then it does get that great deep orange color.

If your mac and cheese is that color, you need to check the date on your cheese. The only true mac and cheese color is the color of Blue Box Kraft.

The semi-squashed SUV thing has been around for a long time now....

I think this is one of those cars that will look better in the darker colors people will actually buy them in rather than mac & cheese orange.