
Coffee mixed with tea and a vanilla frosted bunt cake. YUM.

It would have been really cool to watch it if it didn't have flies involved. Although, I did find the fly one cool, too.

Hey, these specs seem to be satisfying for all the big commercial devs out there, so I'm sure it's powerful enough. AND it's looking battery efficient!

I think Google's solution to instant in the omnibox will involve at least two things. 1. Enabling/Disabling Instant Omnibox Google Search in options; 2. Hitting CTRL+K will start instant doing it's magic once you start entering characters right after the "question mark" that shows up... if enabled, of course.

I've come to the conclusion that the modern internet was designed for games and nude choreography. Maybe a little bit of commerce.

@Oxidesnake: So would we call that centennial bulb "Edison quality" or "some other person that Edison bought out quality"?

It's not pronounced Jaguar. It's Jag-oo-eh.

It's just an initial offering from Samsung. I'm sure the price will drop nicely in due time, like when more Android tablets start flooding the market.

My favorite is the HelloClockworkOrange Kitty. Welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, well.

Wow. That really shouldn't be in tap water no matter how benign they are. I thought the light chlorination from water treatment plants made the tap squeaky clean. Maybe it's a distribution problem?

@ImmaLion: But you have to admit that those lotus flowers are pretty... and the lotus seeds are tasty if you every give them a chance.

A lot of android apps I see at xda devs simply post their little tools on android market for easy distribution. That's got to be at least one part of the story.

If the tablet that suppports connection standards, has great battery life, and software that supports USB keyboards that I already own, then I'm all for it. That probably means Android by default for this article.

So I guess Wheatley is going to break into song somewhere in the single-player campaign. Can't wait.

This sounds like a 2 hour torture device or some kind of program created by the local police to root out the "ones lacking discipline in society".

I got all excited then saw Games for Windows Live. This is as devastating as heart-attack Mondays.

@SupaKero: E-mail Gabe or someone at Valve about tours and you'll probably get info on how to schedule and availability. Watch carefully for the Clockwork Orange-like apparatuses they have in some of the play-testing rooms. Nah, I'm just yankin' your chain about that kind of play-testing.

I like how the broken wall is in the shape of a portal.

If they announce DotA on the Source engine, my head would explode. I don't know if it would be a good thing or a bad thing.