
Cho Aniki beats everything on that picto-gram-thing.

Rage for Linux and Mac OS X + Steam for Unices = Something Special - Articulate Clown with Strong Opinion

@Gr1m505: The DLC is assumed to be free for the PC. It would be unusual of Valve if it wasn't.

The eventual release of sales numbers for this game will cause race riots. I'm obviously referring to the exclusive pokemon races for each color, with children and 30 year-old males dressed up as them.

They should have just named it Kotick's Private Reserve.

Just a random drawing from the people that comment on this post.

Latest tweet says that The Clone Wars review is coming out tonight.

There are not enough Activision products on this list. I am surprised that they call themselves gamers. (May I have a star now?)

I would buy one. Heck, I would buy two.

I kind of like this. I, for one, welcome Bobby Kotick as our new overlord.

Probably because there was too much money flowing into their bank accounts.

He blogged it, then he ate it.

It's so tempting, but I had to smack my face really hard and tell myself that $20 can get me a lot of groceries. I already sliced too much entertainment into my budget pie.

I played Bad Company 2 single player. My answer is yes.

@bakura: I remember fighting Birdo when I was a kid. I'm really hoping s/he makes a cameo.

If we could clone our nurses and lie to the public that they're "sisters" like in the game, we'll be saving a lot of money.

PC gaming. Simply fantastic.