
I'm happy for them that it's getting enough attention to overload the servers.. and that they thought of letting this promotion go on 'til the 16th of Oct.

@uscdb: Sadly that's not the case. Just like the shower. Some critters need more than soap to leave your house.

Gives me the same feeling as TF2 Arena mode. Not something I would play all the time, like payload. That's just a gut feeling, I'm sure I'll know when I get my hands on it.

As a bimer, I was disappointed that mass effect didn't have man-on-man action when they provided femalien-on-female action. I also noticed that a lot of these comments are very long. I have a theory, but I don't think it's solid yet.

@Koda89: F*&K YEAH. Expand the source engine to a fully optimized RTS engine.

@Koda89: I hope so. It would be exciting to see how Valve would approach RTS or MMORPG. Crits and hats for everyone!

All they have to do is show a picture of squirrels with explosives on their backs and I guarantee there'll be another strong wave of sales.

I hope Gabe lands in front of his house via parachute.

Seeing them on fire pushed me over the edge.

I wouldn't mind more Trine. As long as they don't ramp up the difficulty all of the sudden like in the original game.

Somebody make a Luke Plunkett game.

At least it doesn't mess with the main product. Stupid exclusive baseball bat..

Gay Tony is angry.


Colors! I am sold.

Compared to the other wars, WWII had the best story to tell. And how about those crazy characters? Hitler! Emperor of Japan. Stalin! Churchill! They're all here!

I'm impressed with the multitasking skills of people in Japan. It's the next step in human evolution in order to get more done out of our future 100 year average life-span.

@kobeashi: A guy calling another guy cute doesn't mean much these days. In this case, this is not the case. Hopefully this reply has confused you further.

Larry King's L4D from last year didn't have the content CNN promised.