
I bet you he was very careful not to mention the word 'achievements'.

If they can barely get in-game xmb working, then I'm sure we'll be seeing in-game folding@home soon. Let's hope this update doesn't do something to piss off the developers, like taking away precious RAM.

How disappointing. No surprise G-Man spin-off.

These characters must have back problems. Seriously.

I cannot explain the beauty behind this.

Awesome. I feel more classy now..

I bet you for an extra fifty bucks she can vibrate. There's a cash feed in the back.

Don't worry about balance issues, buddy, Valve's got an eye on you!

I wonder when the novelty of this will wear off. (Thank goodness you need an account to upload this shit. Ban away EA, BAN.)

They have two USB ports that need some action. Wii storage solution only needs a software update at the least.

What we need is a MGS4 for Wii. That'll break the third-party curse!


David Lynch wins by default followed by a smooth glass of Coors Light.

The Darwin Fruit Fucker officially supersedes ash Chinchilla doll in cuteness scale.

Never saw Wii Fit as an exercise machine, only as a fun-time enabler of the body image addiction.

It's good to hear. Arthritis is no excuse for anyone now!

This is science for the sake of getting published... bad science.

It's a sweet swee- s- s- sweet gummy Venus de Milo ass. I don't know what the big fuss is all about.

LOL. Can Deoxy replicate itself semi-conservatively?

Valve said that updates for other classes should come faster since they did all the background work already. I'd say it'll be out in a year.