
It's the console exclusive things both console parties have going on. They're both promoting them as full exclusives.

You mean the oops thing? Ooh, I didn't understand it correctly. Sorry.:P

Hey! That's not nice!

Here is my opinion without reasoning do with it what you want

SOME fantasy game? ಠ_ಠ

Now playing

Woops, it was Crystal Dynamics. But still... Great trailer.

That FF-trailer partially made by Eidos was amazing.

That's one way to put it. Thank you for being such a dick.

I thought he was exaggerating to make his point. -_- I am an idiot.

It was a name joke. -_- I didn't thought about that stuff, it was just a stupid name joke. I have nothing against those people, I mean, COME ON... And gender roles...? I didn't even USE the word male or female... Nothing against ya dude, but not out here to start an angry discussion with lots of screaming and no

I sure hope this doesn't spawn an obsessive adult fanbase. Name and all...

Those cloth physics. O_0

Stupid Kinja. Why is this double posted?... :/

Their SERVERS may be dedicated, but MICROSOFT certainly is not! (hohohooo me so clever. Look at that random capping!)

It makes sense, you know, I always use the original settings for some reason but inverted doesn't annoy me in any way. I mean, if you want to lift your head which way does your neck move? Backwards.

Ehhh??? What has PlayStation Plus to do with it being a Vita exclusive?

"Awesome! Sideswipe! You're just like a Ninja!
Thanks for the compliment. That was a high-tech stunt!"

It feels like something written by Douglas Adams in some ways, I love it.

I would gladly approve of the comment that System Shock 2 is better than Bioshock. I could've seen that in the first minutes only, because mechanically, Bioshock is a bit of a mess. It's mostly the atmosphere and the story that made me like the first Bioshock, but it aged pretty badly in my opinion. I dunno, the game