It's the console exclusive things both console parties have going on. They're both promoting them as full exclusives.
It's the console exclusive things both console parties have going on. They're both promoting them as full exclusives.
You mean the oops thing? Ooh, I didn't understand it correctly. Sorry.:P
Hey! That's not nice!
Here is my opinion without reasoning do with it what you want
SOME fantasy game? ಠ_ಠ
Woops, it was Crystal Dynamics. But still... Great trailer.
That FF-trailer partially made by Eidos was amazing.
That's one way to put it. Thank you for being such a dick.
A friend just pointed out that they said the same about Mass Effect:…
I thought he was exaggerating to make his point. -_- I am an idiot.
It was a name joke. -_- I didn't thought about that stuff, it was just a stupid name joke. I have nothing against those people, I mean, COME ON... And gender roles...? I didn't even USE the word male or female... Nothing against ya dude, but not out here to start an angry discussion with lots of screaming and no…
I sure hope this doesn't spawn an obsessive adult fanbase. Name and all...
Those cloth physics. O_0
Stupid Kinja. Why is this double posted?... :/
Their SERVERS may be dedicated, but MICROSOFT certainly is not! (hohohooo me so clever. Look at that random capping!)
It makes sense, you know, I always use the original settings for some reason but inverted doesn't annoy me in any way. I mean, if you want to lift your head which way does your neck move? Backwards.
Ehhh??? What has PlayStation Plus to do with it being a Vita exclusive?
"Awesome! Sideswipe! You're just like a Ninja!
Thanks for the compliment. That was a high-tech stunt!"
It feels like something written by Douglas Adams in some ways, I love it.
I would gladly approve of the comment that System Shock 2 is better than Bioshock. I could've seen that in the first minutes only, because mechanically, Bioshock is a bit of a mess. It's mostly the atmosphere and the story that made me like the first Bioshock, but it aged pretty badly in my opinion. I dunno, the game…