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The Deus Ex: Human Revolution soundtrack is great, but the soundtrack of the original Deus Ex might be just as good! It had this incredible atmosphere...


Just see the fun of it, you don't have to take everything completely serious. :P

This game needs multiplayer. It'd be so amazingly chaotic.

Haha, just wanted to exaggerate to tell how bad the game was. Anyway, great reviews!

I played that Snowden infinite runner game for no apparent reason. The review for it might be a bit too positive... 0/10 is WAY more than it deserves.

Heh. Just saw the press conference and had to scream it somewhere... :p

This list has too little Soul Sacrifice. That game is awesome.

heh. They should make an option menu, so you could select your preferences or something, and than save it on IP or user accounts. But yeah, ads are annoying if they're placed that way. It's not the worst here though. On some sites you have to watch a 15 second trailer before you can enter them.

I use adblock (Sorry Kotaku, don't block me forever. I read your sponsored articles sometimes.) I mean, that if you scroll down now, you have to click to load more stories. It was different earlier.

If you blink you'll miss it. We're rolling out a new feature today on the site, giving you yet another way of interacting with our authors. You can officially annotate text paragraph by paragraph. It's like image annotations but for words. In case you're still confused you can find the full instructions here.

The more dogs, the nexter the gen.

When I've heard about that N++ game I decided to try that N game too. Incredibly addictive, but also incredibly difficult. Love the game because it's fair while still being unforgiving.

N++ just got announced for PS4!

They played a song at the end in which the lyrics were: "Why don't you get your stuff together?"

OK, man. PS4 all the way!!! :3


20-25%? That would be completely apocalyptic for Microsoft is that was true...