
I haven’t played a Wizardry game in a very long time. When I need my dungeon crawler fix I usually just play Etrian Odyssey.

Once again, if you are getting a refund you are doing it wrong. Do you want the government earning interest on your money for the last 3 - 15 months? Or do you want that interest?

Im sorry Gabe but all value is subjective. Meaning there is no objective standard of what something is worth. Machado and Harper are not “worth” any particular salary. Yes, in the past, players similar to them (or even worse than them) got big ling term deals. That’s is no guarantee of future deals and not proof that

My hope for D4 is that they move away from this loot grind, endless choice type of gameplay. I think they tell themselves that that’s why people loved D1 and D2 - but it’s not. It was a part of it, sure. But personally, as someone who played D2 for hundreds of hours, I played it because the world, the story, the sense

This person is an asshole. First of all, a reservation fell through? There are 100 million restaurants in this city just walk LITERALLY NEXT DOOR. Second of all, our transit system is garbage as is and while there doesn’t seem to be many people on the train in the blurry shot posted here, any kind of disruption to my

Reminds me of when McDonald’s made their menu items into transforming robots and put them into the Happy Meals. Late 80's maybe? I loved them at the time.

This is the worst of all takes. She’s really not. Someone with such a small fraction of indigenous heritage whose connection to it is a single story about a single ancestor who no one can actually say even is Cherokee (remember, the US government at that time kept extremely good records about the indigenous people

IDK how big a problem it is. I mean obviously if the guards don’t do anything because nobody tries, then why have them? Maybe I’m being charitable by assuming there’s a problem which is why the guards are there.

but will it come to the Switch?

Sorry to be that guy, but Ed is a she. :P

Anyone else getting BOTW vibes?

Im no fan of Trump, but this exact thing would have happened under Obama. These rules have been in place for decades. You cant enter the country with the wrong Visa. Nothing mysterious about this. Basically their paperwork was wrong.

The only real piece of shit here is you. The man did more for this country than your stupid ass sitting on the couch. 

And some killer first party titles. So what’s your gripe? It has TOO many games to play? Put your head back in the sand. Everyone dissed the WiIU because it didn’t have games, now this thing has like, all of them and people still need to cry about something. 

The first one was released in the US on Genesis under the name Warsong. It was pretty great if a bit limited. The real gem is Der Langrisser which was translated via romhacking. Personally I liked the Langrisser games far better tan Shining games but that’s personal preference.

Do yourself a favor and play Largrisser 2 or Der Largrisser(on the SNES). There’s a fan translation for it and the game is great.

I think Kellam is in the game, too.

The only Langrisser game to come over officially was during the Genesis/Mega Drive era. Sadly, if you want to play the other titles in english, emulation is your only option. There is also the Growlancer series, which is a...sort of continuation of Langrisser, but those are PS2 releases.

Same thing happens at larger MTG Tournaments. It really does seem like people just don’t care what they smell like, and don’t care about what people think about them, enough to shower.