
Nintendo killed it today, I literally want every game I saw and will be buying a Wii U soon.

Even at the risk of cutting your eyes on the Wii's spectacularly lo-res graphics, those would be 80 very well spent hours. As for the money, not that I have looked but are you sure you can't find a copy for much less, even if it is preowned?

Uhhhh, we said the same thing with Watch_Dogs. Calm. The. Fuck. Down.

Today the supply shipment arrived in time for E3. I've got IV bags full of a delicious mix of saline and glucose, back-up power and internet facilities, enough asprin to thin a lake of blood in seconds to ward off DVT, a foam hand with "Video games" on, and an Oculus Rift and some dude in LA who I have subverted to

Yes, it's Charles Dance!

That's it, I'm buying a WiiU.

Seriously, the best thing to come out of gaming all year.

Crazy viral marketing for Nintendo.

Today, Nintendo revealed that its recently-released Wii U exclusive – the eagerly-anticipated Mario Kart 8 – had a stellar first weekend on the market. The game sold over 1.2 million units across the world, from North America, to Europe, to Japan, making it a bona fide commercial hit. The game launched on May 29th in

Still no mention of Mario Kart 8 selling 1.2 mil…

I'm so in love with Transistor and now we get this? Thank you.

Hear hear, Richard.

Am quite stoked. My roomate is most likely picking up a Wii U specifically for this game, so I'll have access to a Wii U for some of the other Wii/Wii U games I've been looking at. Not to mention FUCKING EPIC DRUNKEN MARIO KART again. Shit, it's been years since I've done that.