Nintendo killed it today, I literally want every game I saw and will be buying a Wii U soon.
Nintendo killed it today, I literally want every game I saw and will be buying a Wii U soon.
The breathtaking footage Nintendo showed today for its 2015 Wii U Zelda is real, a Nintendo rep tells me. I asked if…
As Nintendo announced a couple of weeks ago, you'll be able to play the Wii U Smash Bros. game with GameCube…
Even at the risk of cutting your eyes on the Wii's spectacularly lo-res graphics, those would be 80 very well spent hours. As for the money, not that I have looked but are you sure you can't find a copy for much less, even if it is preowned?
Nintendo's top game designer has cooked up an unusual way to play Star Fox on the Wii U, and he's hoping you'll all…
The JRPG "X" is now "Xenoblade Chronicles X." Looks like a sequel to Xenoblade, and it's got shades of Xenogears and…
We just got our first glimpse at the first new high-definition Zelda game, and it looks truly insane. Zelda is going…
Uhhhh, we said the same thing with Watch_Dogs. Calm. The. Fuck. Down.
Today the supply shipment arrived in time for E3. I've got IV bags full of a delicious mix of saline and glucose, back-up power and internet facilities, enough asprin to thin a lake of blood in seconds to ward off DVT, a foam hand with "Video games" on, and an Oculus Rift and some dude in LA who I have subverted to…
Yes, it's Charles Dance!
Amazon has the preorder available:…
That's it, I'm buying a WiiU.
Seriously, the best thing to come out of gaming all year.
Crazy viral marketing for Nintendo.
Today, Nintendo revealed that its recently-released Wii U exclusive – the eagerly-anticipated Mario Kart 8 – had a stellar first weekend on the market. The game sold over 1.2 million units across the world, from North America, to Europe, to Japan, making it a bona fide commercial hit. The game launched on May 29th in…
Still no mention of Mario Kart 8 selling 1.2 mil…
I'm so in love with Transistor and now we get this? Thank you.
Kairisia as Red from Transistor. Photo by BHMT. This is so good I don't even know where to begin.
Hear hear, Richard.
Am quite stoked. My roomate is most likely picking up a Wii U specifically for this game, so I'll have access to a Wii U for some of the other Wii/Wii U games I've been looking at. Not to mention FUCKING EPIC DRUNKEN MARIO KART again. Shit, it's been years since I've done that.