
That’s about how I see it, too.

That was my thought. A few million adults can’t read. It doesn’t mean they have a disorder. It means they didn’t learn to read.

Ordering for my husband.

Hmmmm. Toilet paper is free in public toilets, why not tampons and pads?

I followed the thread and didn’t find her to be condescending. Actually you come off as scolding someone for no reason. She simply made a few comments in a comment section.

Because I don’t know the employee’s wages. It doesn’t go through my mind that someone is being screwed over when I order from a $1 menu, and it wouldn’t go through my mind if I got a $6 manicure. I’d assume a shop is keeping employees busy during the down times.

?? How “should” customers know how much employees are paid based on prices charged? Please explain since you say there is no excuse not to know.

The customer has no idea of the price / wages correlation.

Oh, I understand. Every time I read about other peoples struggles with the same issues, or write it out for what-seems-like-the-thousandth time....it helps.

wow. She must have many enablers.

No Contact or VERY little contact with zero personal details is the way to go.

It took me quite a while to get the guts to do it because family. But you’re right, some people are not worth your time.

That sounds like a lovely wedding. Congrats 💙

Congrats to you. I just imagined a very confident butterfly emerging from a smothering, withering cocoon. Beautiful wings emerging... gracefully flying down that aisle.

People who don’t have experience with BPD...they can’t appreciate the struggle to maintain sanity while dealing with “the facade”.

Uuuggghhhh.....Thank goodness you can recognize that your mom taught you how NOT to be. And older brides happen every day!

I’d sit them all down and explain that they will not get money from you again. I can only imagine what they say about you. I’m proud of you.

Oh they are good for 2-4 hrs. It’s “the show”...I just watch them and marvel at the good acting. Because that ain’t reality.

I wish there was an exchange place that could match us up with better fitting relatives. Both my sisters are air-heads who don’t read any news or acknowledge science. Every conversation centers around shopping, hair, clothes, make-up, Facebook, etc. They post on Facebook every 20 min. They are not capable of

I’m glad that you aren’t cutting off your teen sisters healthy lifeline. They’ll age out soon enough. Use the time to slowly edge away, and model for them how to stand for their own greatness.