
In Texas it’s 12. My stepsons told the judge they wanted to live with us on the younger one’s 12th birthday. Their lunatic lying mom lost custody and power over us that day.

I’m thinking suicide.

Whoopi is his agent.

You obviously haven’t experimented with peas.

Yes! I googled “Canada wear shoes indoors” and it’s an interesting read.

Awwwwww, just read this. I hope it all worked out for you.

Saw it yesterday, it was a giggle. Those men really tried hard, but zero plot. Matthew AllRight AllRight AllRight should’ve been in it.

I haven’t watched soaps in ages. Are any of them texting these days, like in real life? When thee is a restaurant scene, are half the tables on their phones?

Are you saying that people who live in Canada do not wear shoes in their home? Guests are expected to leave their shoes at the door? And it upsets you that people wear their protective foothear indoors?

TRUTH. It’s a cell for everything, all day.

Smile with a quick wave, then briskly walk away and get busy. Set that tone when you’re a new employee. Otherwise you’re stuck in Good Morning How Are You Tell Us Your Personal Business jail forever.

I have no idea what Paris says because I don’t follow her. My gf says that Paris was condescending to Kim on her show, so there is that.

There are many celebrities that avoid the limelight of fame. Paris may have reflected upon her past and examined her actions and negative patterns...which helped her mature and present a more adult-like image.


Meg Ryan’s comeback role.

In Texas, former-governor-forever-idiot Rick Perry says he has zero worries about whether he’ll “make the stage” for the debates. Apparently only 13-14 of the 18? 20? Republican hopefuls will be invited.

Because trump doesn’t recognize them as people. Kinda like I don’t recognize him as worthy of a capital t.

You made me giggle out loud.

I agree, but a girl can dream.

It would be great if he was caught in bed with a gay man from Mexico. It would be beyond-great if the man was here as an “illegal”.