
Thank you for sharing that experience. This has always been my plan. My extended family is very religious but my husband is a scientist and will honor my wishes...he promised I can die first ;)

Mine literally works 50% of times I try to forward. On a lucky day, there's the More arrow and I can forward. Otherwise, I have to copy paste.

I agree. As others pointed out, just because you are non-violent doesn't make it ok to rob homes. Your non-violence status is just a matter of luck because nobody was home. Anybody who's had their home robbed (we did) can tell you that it shakes up your family for quite some time. The thief definitely deserves jail

I think the focus should be on consistency. Like in places where it's KNOWN that you go to jail for life if you're caught with drugs, lose a hand if you steal, go to jail for 2 yrs for drunk driving first offense, etc. Punishment shouldn't have anything to do with your skin color, wealth, connections, etc.

It's on several forums that Mayo got the 20 yr old nanny pregnant and bought her a $2m home in Ruxton. The divorce was granted and sealed on the day of her indictment.

It is a private men's organization and it's not discriminating on skin color. I applaud them retaining that. Equality doesn't mean that women have to invade every space a man ocuppies.

Halloween costume.

Same here. Expected to be on every damn committee and volunteer opportunity.

Oh how you make me giggle out loud.

Those are good questions. I've noticed that the % of weed acceptance inches up a bit yearly everywhere. Florida acceptance rate was actually high, just didn't reach 60%.

A few networks banned him over that. He's an idiot.

Count your blessings.

It will soon. Just a few more thousand idiots need to die off.

That's how Texas is, too. People screaming about jesus and conservatives and what-not. But sooooomuch weed smoking everywhere.

Such a giggle...I wrote that and then received a campus climate survey from my principal. Hahhaahhaha teachers are looking for positions and will leave mid-year if hired. They increased workload x 10 this year, just not worth it anymore. We are working 70 hrs a week.

We have straight A 12 and 14 yr olds. We'll pay all expenses at a Junior College for 2 years since classes transfer. I took Junior College courses while attending Texas A&M and I didn't see a difference in the classes at all. Actually some of the professors taught at both campuses.

If you realize you need a suitcase JUST to fly something home, they're $5 at thrift stores. And that ratty bag would be the last one anybody would want to steal.

Good for ANY travellers. I'd pay $40 not to haul bags around at the end of a trip.

Women can have a large purse, small bag and a coat.

haha I read his FB page. At least the comments are telling them they're delusional.