
They've received so many loans from so many frauds and become celebrities. They're delusional and probably still don't realize this is real. I hope he tries to throw her under the bus. Because reality show.

Yes!! Trauma-drama is a major red flag to employers.

Exact same scenario here. My 11 yr old step-son has mild case of AS. He is a straight-A, sweet, fun child. But he can be very annoying because of the repetition and not reading social signs. He's aging into kids not laughing at his antics anymore. We've taught him to just ask people to explain jokes because it

That's a good point.

???? "Can you say that again?" is NOT the same as "Can you explain...".

Airline credit cards are worth using. Charge EVERYTHING, including utilities, and pay it off every month.

There's a difference between a shark biting your leg while you're standing in shallow water (runway crash), and a great white biting you in half while you're out swimming in the ocean (mid-air crash). We take a risk when we get on a plane.

Cost to park at airport vs arrange drop off and pick-up. Cost to board/arrange care for small pet that can easily go on car trips. Cost of additional passengers vs just sit in the empty car seat.

A friend responds "well, duh" when you compliment her looks.....

Do you cook the bacon and then crumble it in the alfredo sauce? "Orgasm on a fork" is a head-turner.

Post a long, honest, humorous post to the Craigslist personals. Include a recent pic of you smiling. Yes, I know it sounds perverted and desperate, but high-quality, single, free people browse CL. I posted as a 40-yr old woman and included that I was ready to marry. I received several literate, LONG, witty replies.

Since you mentioned honey, try Greek Gods honey flavored yogurt. Dang, they need to hire me to shill.

Greek Gods, honey flavored. I DON'T CARE if "it's not real greek yogurt." Or any other comment. It tastes like cheesecake, it's my crack.

He makes cute babies.

I agree. At the ripe old age of 46, I now know how important the skill of sincere communication is to a relationship. It isn't about winning, or punishing, or "I'll show you..." (youth! Sigh.) Temper tantrums and selfish pouting are child's play and there's no other way to phrase that. Well, except immature.

A previous life?

I may be unpopular with this opinion, but I hold people in charge to a higher degree of integrity. This reminds me of that student in Feb (California?) who filmed a gym teacher stealing from student backpacks. The principal instructed her to delete the film and said he'd internally handle it. I don't trust those in

I'm in Texas, 30 min outside Austin. Being gay in Austin isn't a biggie and there are many out, masculine gays on the streets. Outside of Austin, not so much. The out gays here are feminine. There is no other way to describe them. In 5 years I've never seen a masculine man with another man. I know they're around,

If you know a turtle lover, you can't go wrong with Turtle Survival Alliance (TurtleSurvival.org). They have local projects to protect endangered turtle species all over the world. They exist entirely through donations (beautiful tshirts, too). Adopt a turtle, gift a membership, etc. Every penny fights extinction.

Um, are we related? Hubs and I, for the first time, are spending the day at home. The uber-religious hypocritical racist Jesus screamers who ALL talk with tons of food in their mouths (shudder) while Obama -bashing......won't miss them. No stress, no pretending. I usually do ALL the clean up for 35 people because