
I second the question. What is the collective wisdom on Seafoam?

Even with the smallest plan possible, it is still cheaper to stay on my parent's plan and pay them $60 a month for the two lines for my wife and I

What they should have copied: An abstract look at the nature of dreams, our perception of reality, and how a single memory can alter who we are as a person.

Did Google Keep come out for iOS?

You can try with OneNote for iOs, you can share and use the same bullet.

I see your point, but I view this notebook system as an "anti-app." I think one could use various apps that would do what this does — Evernote does bulleted lists and to-do lists well. My point is that there are many, many text editor apps, in iOS or Android, that would do this, much the same way that a word

I like Opus Domini. It has a desktop version and mobile app that sync up. Not exactly the same but similar with a logical design flow.

Love that glow.