
Why do you not have more stars?

Raphael Orlove, you are my spirit animal. I would absolutely turn into a gibbering wreck at the sight of so much automotive splendour.

That Peugeot sure looks a hell of a lot like a Citroën.

Is Felix Baumgartner just one of those people who can do whatever he sets his mind to?

Because evolution has gone too far and we should all realistically be dead. The world would be far better for it.

Hey Burneko! Where the hell are my new food cooking instructions?

I also spent a bit longer than I would care to admit wondering “which part of an F1 is made of wood?”.

Not just Danil Kyat’s first podium of twenty fifteen, his first of his Formula One career. Big props to the guys

You are totally welcome. That three book run that goes, Batman and Robin: Batman Reborn, Batman vs Robin, and Must Die is well worth acquiring and reading.

I’m sure that’ll buff right out

This is one of those comments that deserves to accrue hundreds of stars, but sadly will not.

The car isn’t supposed to be beautiful, it’s supposed to be a piece of crap.
The original Ecto 1 was a clapped out piece of junk, that they would’ve gotten for a song. This one is no different.
Whilst you may find the swoopy fifties lines of the original visually appealing, it’s more likely that it was chosen for the

It is in the book Batman And Robin Must Die! From Grant Morrison’s run.

Lord Kenworth Blockensteen’s car looking fabulous as always

But where in the hell do you store your luggage?

I really bloody hope not. I want Manor to stick around. They’re the most interesting team on the grid and I want to see where they can get themselves next year.

You own a Lancia Fulvia. I hate you just a tiny little bit. But also admire you greatly.

You sire may have plus one internets, along with a bonus one for the usage of a Python quote.

They’ve stuffed a V8 in one of the F1 cars?