so is my working Dreamcast worth something?
so is my working Dreamcast worth something?
im one of the people interested in what this lil thing can and/or will do. i was about to purchase a MK802: the $74 Android PC-on-a-stick. but i held off. i dont want to buy a new smart TV. Netflix alone on my sons wii is ok.. but not great.
shut up and take my money
why you ask? Because of cheap people like me that do not want to worry about batteries. Also, just like politicians, i don't trust them.
Too bad its just for show and doesn't actually fire.
I have happiness for her. its in my pants.
Apple, what are you doing? Apple, Stahp!
Im confused. Why did they call it "Most Wanted" when they already have one called that?
so all games are single player out the box? until March ?
Dang, I don't remember games being that HIGH... even back in the day. NES and SNES brand new games averaged about 60 - 75 dollars. That really hasn't changed. now that im a whopping 34 years old. I'm too cheap to buy BRAND NEW... ill wait a few months for it to drop or buy it used. now that I have kids, I feel my…
Gatta Love Cosplay =)
now with netflix im going thru every single episode and im in my 30's...