
Is her husband's "pre-existing condition" being a closeted homosexual?

Yes, how dare she have breasts? So inconsiderate.

"she as a White conservative knows more about racism than I do"

This is like the argument that I was having with a commenter that told me that she as a White conservative knows more about racism than I do. Girl, motherfucking PLEASE.

"Today's GOP is not racist"

Oh shit. Oh shit, I had not seen this. Okay, no more Hobby Lobby for me ever.

You might want to rethink that Hobby Lobby love...

It looks like Jennifer Lawrence was on the way to a toga party, then stopped in at Michael's to jazz up her outfit.

Dear Literal Person:

"Justin Bieber married a guy..."

Michelle has mastered the brain dead adoration that is required of the submissive wife.

And they COME APART to clean. So awesome for someone with icky germ issues.

Le Creuset. If you can save up (or get them as extra-special presents), they are totally worth every penny. I've got a large braiser and a 7 qt french oven, and they are my favourite things ever. Plus, they're so pretty, and last forever!

Right? If you're going to be all nineteenth century and have a ball, then have A FUCKING BALL and get yourself some petticoats. None of this sweet sixteen-esque prom gown stuff. Otherwise, I really just don't see the point.

Balls would be so much more interesting if they hadn't moved on with more modern styles.

... and nobody has paid money for my blog about bugs in Japan.

I said the same this morning, its so sad that a child's DNA makes their worth, surely all children should be equal!

Oh well, now that she is Roma and poor, nobody cares, right? She is not the right kind of blonde angel.

@DonnaPirana: I learned to sew to overcome my shorty ways. Word to you - plus sizes have it WAY WAY worse.