@oldman: Oh man that makes me feel weird pointing this out, but Donnie's a New Kid on the Block. Mark was also a part of their original lineup before leaving and going on his own path of music and CK Underwear ads.
@oldman: Oh man that makes me feel weird pointing this out, but Donnie's a New Kid on the Block. Mark was also a part of their original lineup before leaving and going on his own path of music and CK Underwear ads.
@General Hidalgo: If I were a coward, I wouldn't have admitted my past transgressions. Besides, if you want to point fingers, look at plenty of the other cowards here trying to justify their piracy with DRM.
I'll be honest, I used to pirate games all the time with no remorse behind it.
@ATimson: That's the only exception, though honestly I couldn't bring myself to paying double the amount for items I'd personally not end up using anyways.
Nah, the best place to buy World of Warcraft: Cataclysm first is through their online store Battle.net.
@fuegerstef: I'm thinking more along the lines of an updated Zone of Enders...
@Shnyzx: On the contrary, unlike those disposables, that very same DVD player works to this day (about 10 years after the fact).
@The Forgetful Brain: You also may want to find God, because if Steam doesn't have deals for Thanksgiving it's got to be the end of the world! D:
@YuniYoshi: I bought a first-run DVD player back when they were running for $600 apiece. The one I bought has less features than the throwaway ones you can pick up at Wal-Mart for $15.
@Edix: He is President and CEO of a multi-billion dollar company; something tells me you may not have that same level of responsibility...
Let's have Harmonix get picked up by Konami. A collaboration of the Bemani series from the East and the Rock Band series from the West would make for one hell of move.
@scrapking: No joke, I've actually made my money back buying a cheap $100 Heat Press from a garage sale and doing my own with some transfer paper and a high-quality laser color printer.
@wtf_G: Read what @Laronvas said. Hell, I can go one step further than that: same as your User ID & Password, I could just as easily obtain a machine's external IP address. With that, I'd set up a proxy in the same general area and bounce it off a few servers to where I'm at.
@truthtellah: Yeah, until you have to walk across the room and then trip over the damned cord, pulling the console off of the shelf because the cord break didn't QUITE work this one time and takes the TV with it.
@Alvarez: No, not really. The only way the SecurID authentications are compromised is when the server itself has its key broken, since both the timed code you get from hard/soft tokens and the one on the server itself are cross-hashed for verification. You'd have to literally hack a Battle.net server to get that key…
Not only would playing with your children can save their mental health, but I'd go as far to say that playing with my children saves MY mental health as well.
@shadowsoldier89: The fact you're limited to a small fraction of the library is more than enough for me to avoid it. Had they enabled the ability to copy UMDs to the system it would've been potentially worth it, but at the same pricepoint of $150 you can easily pick up a PSP Slim and a pair of 16GB sticks at least.
@SG79: What part of "wishful thinking" don't you get? I don't need a history lesson of Mikami's work, nor do I need an explanation of his current studio either because I already know. There's also absolutely no need to elaborate on anything, all I expressed was a desire to see a sequel of two of his best games.
@SG79: Yes, because clearly Mikami will never work for the same company twice. Except he has.
@Ignited_Impulse: This, please. Or at the very least a Vanquish 2.