@BFKelleher: Well...technically I guess he could be called a "gamer"...though wrong kind of game.
@BFKelleher: Well...technically I guess he could be called a "gamer"...though wrong kind of game.
@rainofwalrus: A proper education would certainly do wonders. Still makes my head hurt "2 c ppl typ lik dis n frms" like they don't have the time to actually convey their full thoughts in a single sentence.
@Steven Callas: @LAGamer: Seeing as they are already going to be implementing a vote-based threaded comment system in the new WoW official forums, it goes without saying that this is very much going to happen. One would think that it only takes so many purged comments before the administrators at Blizzard could take…
@no computers in texas: They keep saying it's not coming out for PC, so if you have to choose right away I'd go with PS3. I'm still holding my breath for the PC release though...
"and a time-twisted plot that would make the most seasoned Doctor Who fan sit up and go, "Wait, what?"
Yeah, if I had to deal with people attacking with mannequin legs and everything, LARP weapons wouldn't be far off from being taken either...not because the person carrying them would use them, but the Black Bloc would've.
@cassiebearRAWR: "but they've been pretty lax on adding new content since the last expansion pack"
@jim_error404: Of course it's him! Who else could it be? You dare question the Kotick?!
@herogear: Read it again: he's saying if the graphics are key to the game's enjoyment, better make damned sure they're good.
@Azel: Not entirely sure, but possibly referencing this...?
@Skreenname: Slightly different now I guess, I did the whole process over a decade ago and we still had to fill out a card not too different from voter registration.
@Cow: Vietnam was controversial for a reason, people were forced to go due to conscription regardless of their feelings.
@westsidekino: I do realize that several nations even have mandatory military service such as Israel, China, and Egypt, so it could be far more worse for US citizens.
@Shinta: I stand corrected on one front, but the point still stands. Jim Harper in the article said it best I believe:
@f4naota: Just because it hasn't been enforced does not mean it still does not exist in practice. You still have to register your name once you turn 18 in the US, so the system is still there.
Oh, and to add to the "gamer concerns" of this, companies that would desire to have any kind of online gaming would have no choice by to raise their rates to cover all of the protocols and standards being enforced over them, as it would require new hardware and new training in order to be able to stay compliant.
I'm an MCSE/MCSA: Security specialist, but it doesn't take a certification to realize that this kind of action creates a single point of failure that can easily be exploited.
Minority Report was right...20$ says the next Windows OS utilizes Kinetic features.
@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: Makes sense (and may I add, always wanted to live out there compared to here, rofl). I have nothing against the government itself, it's the fact when I have to deal with these Qubecois that will not drop the idea that they need to be a separate nation that kills me.