
"You pre-ordered that thing? You're braver than I thought."

The awkward moment when you're at an employer's Christmas dinner party of only 12 people and you take your kid who's very well behaved and mature and gets his own invite even. We sit down to pray (not religious at all but bow heads to be polite) and my nephew says to his dad "Man these people really like Kenny

As far as people who choose to work alone but ended up in a crew, cant think of anyone better than Bebop's. The original Space Cowboy.

It's moments like these when I loath the cultural embrace of Che.

I added you

Added! 2895-7264-6230

Added yours. Mine's 2466-2740-9631

0404-6078-4734 is mine
I'll be adding a bunch of you guys later on, so go ahead and add me for now.



I have two friend codes!

Mah friend code is 2466-1919-7008

k. 0189-8777-3483!

3625 9105 7282
adding everyone in this thread

As soon as i got Espurr, i immediately evolved it to stop the creepy.

3652-0899-4917 here you go!

Add me player 2148 8232 2417 I'll add you after work


Anyone who adds me, please give me your code so it registers!

I added you. My friend code is 3625-9141-5733