
Cold blooded +1

-1 Sike! +1

unfortunately, yes.

I once asked you how many sexual partners a prostitute had and you guessed about 100. Two 70 year old twins retired yesterday with over 355,000(!!) sexual partners between the two of them. Care to change your answer?…








You forgot [misses cut]

If any of you are interested in doing a bracket for the Accenture Match Play tournament this weekend, I have started a league for DSers. The league group name is "Deadspin". You will need to look under the league dropdown menu and search for it. If you have any questions let me


I recently broke my leg so I have been laying on my ass 95% of the day since it's nonweight-bearing and I'm out of the office. I watched all 4 season of Breaking Bad over 4 days. There is not a better way to watch a series than that. Except the fact I'm sold on becoming a meth dealer.



I would fuck that pink one in the back row.

Golden Corral or Country Buffet?
